The best reason..........

Almost everyone I know has said "I really need to get some family photos done.....but" at some point. I am guilty of putting off myself, although there really is no reason I should.

We often think, "I'll just wait until Jill's teeth grow back", only to have Johns teeth fall out too, or "I'll wait until I've lost 3 more kilos" and then we discover we're expecting another baby. The time will never be right. It is always the perfect time NOW. You and your family will never be this way again. Everyone and every family is constantly changing.

A little over two years ago, I had a dear friend take my family photos and in between getting the girls hair done and negotiating the use of the bathroom in the morning, we forgot to bring the dog. (Ooops!) Two months later, we lost him swiftly to an unexpected eye disease. I look at those beautiful photos and can't help but be reminded of what was missing - our fur baby. 

A few weeks ago I took these photos of my 'little' brothers family. When he asked to bring their beloved 15 year old dog, Charlie, I said "Of course". We knew she was old and we knew she was not long for this world but the family photo needed her in it. Losing a family pet always sucks! Sadly, Charlie had to be put down last week :(

Im so glad she joined us on the beach. RIP Charlie Dog xx