How to Prepare for a Family Portrait Session?

So you’ve taken the time to choose your family photographer. You have probably decided based on their talent and images on display, location and probably a little to do with the value they provide vs the cost of the packages. I get it. Its a lot to figure out. Once you’ve done your research, youre going to want to make sure your investment in time and money pays off – by producing some beautiful, It pays to be prepared and worry about the little things BEFORE your session. The session itself should be fun, relaxed and comfortable. The best way to ensure this is to be prepared.

Here are some tips from someone who knows………….(well a little bit at least)  

What to do BEFORE? 

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  • Clothing

o   Plan your clothing in advance. Consider how you want your family to look like in your photos? Tip: Possibly bring a change of clothes for small children – especially for outdoor sessions (just in case).

o   Above all, BE COMFORTABLE

o   By all means, co-ordinate your colours, but you don’t have to be match, as long as your choices compliment each other. Tip: Avoid Bold prints and patterns.

o   Other handy items to bring include Hairclips and elastics for long hair in case its windy. A small brush. Baby wipes. Lipstick/Lipgloss. A water bottle for a drink.

o   Good comfortable, clean shoes.

  •  Grooming

o   Only wear as much makeup as you normally would feel comfortable in. Too much will make you seem overdone and unfamiliar.

o   Check for craked nail polish, dry skin,

o   Does anyone need a haircut? If so, do it a week or two before the session.

  • What else?

o   Be rested. A good night sleep the night before, for everyone, is best and avoid hangovers or tired eyes.

o   Pick a time that works with your families’ schedule. Especially if there are small children involved that will have sleeps during the day or get ratty in the afternoon. The photographer will advise good times of the day as well.

Think about what are you hoping for?

o   Be aware that if you want sunrise or sunset lighting, you actually have to get up early of have your session late in the day. We can’t control the weather or the light on any given day, so keep you expectation realistic.

o   Feed kids a snack beforehand and don’t offer treats during the session as an incentive – unless you want you kids to be chewing candy in the photos.

o   Be prepared to get involved on the day. It’s often harder for adults to get enthusiastic about photo sessions but the kids will love it if mum and dad are having fun too.

o   No Cheese! Let the photographer direct the session. Try hard to resist give your kids orders as it will result in them feeling like it’s a chore. A good photographer will get the best out of them and they’ll let you know if they need you to step in.

o   Let the kids know beforehand that it’s going to be fun, not a chore. Tell them your photographers name and why you chose them. i.e Katrina’s pictures are so lovely and light and she’ll let you jump in puddles etc.……..

  • What do you do together as a family? Do your ride bikes? Why not include them in your session?
  • Do you have a family pet? Check with your photographer, as some locations wont allow animals but if you can, ask if they can be included. It’s not a family photo without your fur-babies.
  • Does your child dress up? Are they interested in puddles and mud? Let them be themselves and incorporate these things into your session and the photos will show them having an amazing and fun time.

Make sure you communicate with your photographer and let them know if there is a style/pose/ location that you like. They cant read your mind but a great photographer will take your ideas on board and discuss your options before your session.